Why is it important to have Mobile Friendly Website?

Why is it important to have Mobile Friendly Website? Introduction Whether you are an online business just starting up, launching yourself in the online world, or an already established business backed with experience. The ultimate goal of having a website is to enable you, your brand, and your business to flourish. Having a website benefits you to attain maximum exposure. After all, 99% of business decisions begin with a search engine search, which statistically implies that if you do not have a website, you are only selling to 7% of your market. Now that you have your website, another major requirement would be to make it a ‘user-friendly’ website. But what does it mean to have a user-friendly website and how exactly do you make your site respective? A User-friendly interface is exactly what those words narrate, you can use a website with ease and no trouble. As a website owner, you do not want your audience facing any difficulty while viewing your site. It has to be easy to navigate, simple to comprehend and make the viewer satisfied with their experience. Being user-friendly also means that you have a website design that is simple and responsive.  Using a responsive design eliminates the unnecessary resizing, scrolling, zooming, or panning that occurs when sites have not been optimised for different devices. It is often very difficult to navigate these sites, and it may even cost you potential customers who can become frustrated with trying to figure out how to do something on your site. Responsive website design replaces the need to design a dedicated mobile website for smartphone users. Thus also saving you time and money effectively. Now, instead of designing multiple websites for different screen sizes, you can design just one website that scales up or down automatically to match the device it is being viewed on. That is, mobile-responsive, Laptop responsive, tab responsive etc.  In 2012, the number of smartphones and mobile users rose up to 90.6 million, a decade later, in 2022, the number further scaled up to 931.3 million, and in the coming 10 years, the number is said to further go up with the numbers reaching to 1.3 billion. This further favors having a responsive or Mobile Responsive design.  Additionally, in early 2015, Google announced that mobile-friendliness would become a ranking factor in its search engine algorithms. This meant that websites that are not mobile-optimized websites would potentially lose some ground in search engine results because they wouldn’t be delivering a good experience to mobile searchers and viewers. With Mobile web traffic having overtaken desktop, accounting for more than 51%. Therefore not optimizing your website would only result in being a liability. You can also help your online business rank better organically with this simple step.  For more references————————————— https://www.webfx.com/web-design/learn/why-responsive-design-important/#:~:text=Responsive%20design%20can%20help%20you,your%20rankings%20in%20search%20 engines https://www.statista.com/statistics/467163/forecast-of-smartphone-users-in-india/ https://www.webfx.com/web-design/learn/how-to-find-best-responsive-design-agency/ https://www.browserstack.com/guide/how-to-create-responsive-website https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly https://profitworks.ca/blog/297-why-having-a-website-is-important You might also like…. 5 Reasons Why Small Businesses should take up Digital Marketing. You might also like…. 17Aug … 17Aug … 17Aug …

Do Instagram Influencers have an Influence?

Do Instagram Influencers have an Influence? Introduction If you think, the Influencer Marketing fad just began in this past decade, guess again? From early on, marketers understood how the involvement of an influential face or a famous voice in an advertisement, garnered more attention and intrigue to it.  People were, and even today; are more likely to follow an opinion leader verifying the brand; than the actual brand itself.  Influencer Marketing is a data-driven industry. They deliver highly engaging and interactive content. Many influencers talk on a particular topic, but besides their niche, influencers can be further divided into three key groups, based on their reach: Micro-influencers: They have lesser than 10,000 followers, and are considered to be having a dedicated audience. The target audience following them is found to be more loyal in comparison to the other three classifications.  Power middle influencers: They are somewhere between 10,000 to 250,000 followers. While they may not have the influence of mega-celebrities, they do share a close and engaged audience who will likely trust their recommendations. These influencers also have some experience partnering with brands. Why micro influencers are becoming increasingly crucial amongst brands Macro influencers: Have more than 250,000 followers. These are Instagram and YouTube celebrities. InfluencerMarketingHub Macro influencers do possess the highest reach but may not always be equal in authenticity and credibility in comparison to power middle influencers, so cross-check and research before signing any endorsement deals or collaborations or advertisements. You must have noticed the approach to trying a product or service launch is different now. Before you would go around asking a friend or family member for their opinions but the launch of social media has changed the game. Presently you would go online, and check reviews, testimonials, and collaborations on YouTube, Instagram, etc., that are constantly being uploaded; viewers get to witness firsthand, the benefits and the allure of the respective. In influencer marketing, you have an individual or a group of people who have built a reputable impression, that has attracted wider reach and a loyal audience over the course of time; through highly engaging content and, a personalized style of interactivity with their viewers. That is why an influencer is more familiar in comparison to celebrities, and why people relate more and build more of an interest in whatever the influencer is selling as compared to a celebrity.  Influencer Marketing focused platforms in 2021, raised more than $800M in funding, and this significant growth continues in this industry. Influencer Marketing Industry is set to grow to approximately $16.4 Billion in 2022 InfluencerMarketingHub All in all, Influencer Marketing whether a fake or a smart investment; is definitely a thriving market. Whether or not you use it to scale up too, is up to you. While a little research is required, advertisements done by influencers can help your business online grow.  For more references————————————— Ultimate guide to become influencers in 2022 https://influencermarketinghub.com/influencer-marketing/ https://alphanewscall.com/2022/04/19/4-benefits-of-influencer-marketing/ https://www.indianretailer.com/article/technology/digital-trends/how-influencer-marketing-is-going-to-change-in-the-age-of-metaverse.a7899/ You might also like…. 5 Reasons Why Small Businesses should take up Digital Marketing. You might also like…. 17Aug … 17Aug … 17Aug …

Importance of using hashtags to Drive traffic

Importance of using hashtags to Drive traffic Introduction Hashtags are a sequence of characters with no spaces between them that begin with the symbol ‘#’ and in today’s social media reign, hashtags have transformed into labels, compiling and segregating content that is similar in nature. Hashtags are also clickable, making them the pique interest of audience members searching for something particular.  The Hashtag was brought to Twitter in late 2007 but, at present, they are ubiquitous – Found on all social media platforms.  Hashtags help your feed and even aid you in not just reaching a wider audience, but also finding an audience with similar interests. These, however, are already known truisms. But – Did you know hashtags play a different role in each social media platform?  INSTAGRAM Hashtags are an important tool for growing your Instagram audience and increasing your reach. When you use a hashtag, your post will display on the hashtag’s page. If you use a hashtag in your Story, it may show in the appropriate hashtag Story, which is also displayed on the hashtag page. People can also select to follow hashtags, so your hashtagged post may appear in their feed even if they do not follow you (yet). FACEBOOK Hashtags help others find your posts. From a search standpoint, Facebook hashtags are a fantastic touch that allows you to gain more eyes on your brand’s postings. Given that Facebook processes billions of searches per day, classifying your content for search makes perfect sense. Similarly, hashtags can be used to highlight specific campaigns or pieces that your audience may be interested in. Facebook hasn’t changed their hashtag standards since 2016, leaving marketers to pick up the slack and figure out best practices on their own. Meanwhile, there is no definitive conclusion as to whether hashtags boost or diminish engagement. Given that Facebook’s optimum character limit is relatively modest (between 40 and 80 characters), your post captions offer a valuable area where it pays to be economical with words. As a result, there isn’t as much area for hashtags as there is on Instagram or Twitter, where marketers try to stuff ’em in. You’ll also note that brands use Facebook hashtags in different ways. While some businesses completely disregard them, other major players include them in their posts as they see fit. LINKED IN In 2018, LinkedIn hashtags were introduced. While you may be aware of Instagram and Twitter hashtags, LinkedIn’s hashtag terrain is distinct from the other social networks. A LinkedIn hashtag, like a Twitter or Instagram hashtag, is any combination of characters, numbers, or emoji that follows the # symbol. #FunFact: octothorp is the technical term for a hashtag. Using hashtags on LinkedIn will help you discover your content and connect with users who may be interested in your organisation. However, because LinkedIn is a professional platform, it is critical that hashtags be used responsibly. Trending hashtags on other sites aren’t necessarily appropriate for LinkedIn, including #CareerEndingTwitterTypos, #WhyIQuit, and other jokes that are unlikely to go over well with your bosses. This tutorial will go through hashtag foundations, particular tips, and tactics for utilising hashtags on LinkedIn, and highlight some of the most popular hashtags used on the platform. TWITTER A hashtag is created on Twitter by adding a “#” to the beginning of an unbroken word or phrase. When you include a hashtag in a Tweet, it links to all of the other Tweets that use it. Including a hashtag gives your Tweet context and allows people to easily follow topics that they’re interested in. Make constant use of them. Using hashtags connects your brand with what’s going on on Twitter. This is great news for you because when businesses connect with what’s occurring on Twitter, they receive boosts across the marketing funnel, including +18% message association, +83% brand awareness, and +33% purchase intent. Make them simple to remember — and to spell. Don’t make it easy for others to misspell your hashtag. This will make it less discoverable and less likely to be used. Making each word of your hashtag capitalised can also make it simpler to read. You might also like…. 5 Reasons Why Small Businesses should take up Digital Marketing. You might also like…. 17Aug … 17Aug … 17Aug …

9 reasons why digital marketing may be great for your business.

9 reasons why digital marketing may be great for your business. Introduction In today’s world digital marketing has become almost essential for any business to profit. Going digital eases everything; connecting with customers, and finding communities with similar interests; through SEO & PPC, on social media with Social Media Marketing, & through email with email marketing.   If you are a conventional believer, there are many other factors that should convince you otherwise. Affordable marketing for your business Digital marketing is considerably cost-effective in comparison to other marketing methods. Be Responsive and grab attention  The number of people owning a smart and feature phone is 7.26 Billion, making up 91.54% of the world’s population. They use it for news, social networking, and countless other activities. Through the aid of digital marketing reach out to them when they are on this. With remarketing ads, email and text marketing, and social media – you can always interact and engage with viewers to find your customer base. Digital Marketing is always fluctuating  Digital marketing has always been very flexible, there are a myriad of ways to market yourself online; banner ads, email marketing, content marketing, and social media posts. By learning the most effective method for you and your brand, you can better target your audience. With digital marketing, you can also evaluate and discontinue underperforming programs in real-time. Expand your market Many shoppers conduct nearly all of their purchasing online. Digital marketing allows you to reach out to these folks and therefore broaden your company’s reach. You may increase brand recognition and revenues by combining Google Shopping Ads with brand awareness efforts. Broadcast your brand to masses Customers are more likely to interact with marketing materials that include different sorts of information, such as photographs, video clips, and audio. All these media can be used in your marketing campaigns. With Digital marketing you can unconstrained your creativity. Build engagement  Through website comments, mails, reviews, and social network postings, digital marketing allows you to engage directly with people who read your content. This demonstrates to those consumers that you value what they say and think, making them feel appreciated and a member of the community you’re creating. It also helps you to collect useful data on client reactions and preferences. Analyse and audit yourself In addition to allowing you to communicate with clients, digital marketing allows you to track their activity. You may track the advertising and types of content they have seen before making a purchase. This informs you of the most effective marketing strategies, allowing you to fine-tune and optimise your plan. Increase your Online Authority  Commenting on issues and debates related to your product or business is simple with digital marketing strategy. You can position yourself as an expert on such issues in this way, enabling readers to trust you, return for additional information, and finally make a purchase. Digital marketing allows you to appear as the industry expert that you are, instilling trust in your company. Influencer Engagement and Interactivity Many of today’s most important personalities market themselves online or through social media. You may engage with these influencers and acquire their respect through digital marketing. You can even convince them to recommend you, which will lead to their following becoming your clients and also spreading brand awareness. All in all, if used tactfully, you can achieve a lot through digital marketing. With little creativity and observation you can do wonders for your online business. You might also like…. 5 Reasons Why Small Businesses should take up Digital Marketing. You might also like…. 17Aug … 17Aug … 17Aug …

grow your business with social media

How to use Social Media to grow your business and Social Media Optimization Tips to enhance your growth

How to use Social Media to grow your business and Social Media Optimization Tips to enhance your growth Introduction Social media is an interactive platform comprising various applications and websites that facilitate the sharing and also creation of information, expressions, ideas, and interests.  When it comes to the words Social Media, social revolves around a user and the connections originating from a user. The human interaction with minimalistic efforts that forms a part of this process makes it a very popular means of interaction. Social Media has gained a lot of traction in recent years. The number of social media users globally grew from 4.2 billion in January 2021 to 4.62 billion in January 2022. This accounts for a 10.1% growth in global social media usage. Digit Cure offers clients a holistic marketing approach to help take their business to the next level. If you need to strengthen your social media presence and be at the top of the game, choose Digitcure. We pride ourselves in having a team of experienced and dedicated staff who are all at the top of their field and integrate their years of experience and knowledge to provide our clients the most creative and performance driven solutions. How Social Media Optimization in Digital Marketing can help grow your brand Social Media Optimization or SMO is the deliberate creation and development of the marketing plan and also the content in a way that maximises reach and communicates with the target demographic thereby fulfilling the marketing objective. Hence it means that brands need to monitor, assess and alter their plans and content so as to make sure that they are following the social media best practices. The following are some of the best SMO practices that we at Digit Cure – a Digital Marketing Agency believe can be followed by brands: Content Marketing is the King! Content strategy is basically focusing on your content marketing which means creating content in such a way that the emotions of the consumers of the content are kept in mind by thinking outside the box. Most often brands that use content with a personal touch for the consumers get quality responses and interactions from the consumers. 2. Connecting with influencers Influencers have gained major importance in Social Media Marketing because users on these platforms look up to them for inspiration and content hence usually are influenced greatly by the influencers. Influencers have increased traffic and followers by nearly 90%. Brands can build relationships with influencers which in turn would boost the visibility of the brand. 3. Joining the right social media platform There are certain social media platforms that would do well for a brand but these same platforms might not do well for another brand. It is important for brands to analyze their target audience and the products they are selling so that they know which platform would do well for them. 4. Optimize the brands’ profile The main way brands can go about acquiring more views and shares is by making the content more appealing and more interactive. Brands need to keep in mind color schemes and placements of information to garner interactions from the consumers. Social Media effects on Businesses and Brand Awareness Businesses and brands, in general, can gain many benefits from having a social media presence, the following are the benefits that a brand could get from using social media: Increases brand awareness as more than half of the world’s population uses social media like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter hence it makes a good place to reach high targetable potential customers Humanises a brand as it has the ability to create human connections. A brand can introduce its prospective customers to the existing ones so that they can know how the existing customers are using the products. Establishes the brand as a thought leader where the brand and company through social media become the go-to source for information on topics related to the brand’s niche. Social media helps users to stay on top of the minds of the consumers by posting regularly. Social Media can help brands increase website traffic if they create good content and post it regularly on their blogs or websites for their users to interact with. The emergence of social media gives rise to newer ways for customers to express their interests in the brand’s products. Lead generation becomes easier, it may be running ads Or just consumers interacting with the brand it’s all just a click away.  Businesses can now boost sales through social media and get in touch with new clientele and gain a wider reach. Since there is a growing user base for social media, in most cases there is a potential growing customer base for the brand as well. Partnering with influencers on Social media helps brands reach a wider audience. People generally look up to the influencers and are widely influenced by their decisions or lifestyle. Brands can promote content and get it in front of new audiences because of the emergence of social media marketing. As brands start thinking outside the box, use social media optimization content and make it interesting and also engaging, they get an opportunity to go viral as a result of user interaction on social media. Brands can source content and ideas from their followers, this would make their followers feel involved, and this enables the brand to understand the needs of the customers more clearly and cater to them accordingly. Social media helps brands to a great extent with reputation management. The social domain gets people talking about products. Hence if brands use social media to tell their side of the story and what they have to say in a professional way it helps them to create a good reputation for themselves. Customer and audience engagement is another advantage of using social media. It is said that an involved customer is a happy customer. When customers feel like they are a part of the brand, they take higher levels of

how to use social media to grow your business

How to use Social Media to grow your business and Social Media Optimization Tips to enhance your growth – Part 2

How to use Social Media to grow your business and Social Media Optimization Tips to enhance your growth – Part 2 Introduction In the previous blog we spoke about how social media can help you grow your brand and the effects on it can have on business and brand awareness. In this second part of the blog, we will speak about the strategies that will enhance your brands growth. Here are some of the Social Media Strategies that enhance the growth of a brand: Set Effective goals A concrete plan while creating a social media marketing strategy is of paramount importance. In the plan, setting an achievable yet challenging goal should be of utmost priority. Brands should set their social media marketing goals based on the business goals at large. Creation of a marketing strategy becomes easier if the organisational goals are aligned with it. Define your target audience Targeting and segmentation encompases social media into almost every aspect of customer service and marketing. Some audiences prefer specific social media platforms to be a part of and interact with, depending on the demographic factors, locational factors, etc. For example it is noticeable that Instagram users age is lesser than that of Facebook which means that if the brands potential audience is young then they can use Instagram to target them. Also more professionals are present on Linkedin so brands that cater to professionals can target their audiences using Linkedin, so if the brand gets the targeting right then social media marketing with content marketing becomes more effective. Build brand awareness Most of the brands nowadays prefer creating brand awareness by continuously communicating the companies vision to their target audience and also creating reward programs to motivate their target audience to engage in their marketing campaigns. Create quality content Social media content marketing is an important area of social media marketing. It is said that a brand’s social media is only as good as the content posted on it. When audiences feel connected and interact with the content, they tend to buy the products and services offered and in the process of doing so, end up spreading positive word of mouth too. The content posted has to be interesting, in line with ongoing trends and also engage customers and entice the audiences to interact with it. Measure the results and learn from it Brands are required to make sure that they review the results, measure the data and also earn from it. When brands analyse and measure their results, they can determine what content is exactly working for them, what’s not working for them and what changes could be made. To get a better understanding follow the link: https://bit.ly/3SDTKO4 Tips to create engaging content There are certain guidelines and tips that have to be followed. The ones listed below are the best tricks that brands can follow in order to carry out smooth operations: Create entertaining and relevant content The social media of a brand is whatever their content is, this means that in order to succeed and have a good social media presence they need to make sure that they do social media content marketing with good content that is interesting, engaging and would not throw off the viewer. Brands need to make use of special days in the year and create content accordingly in order to keep their followers engrossed as this makes the followers feel connected to the brand. This also creates brand loyalty. Use appropriate hashtags Users can rank in the hashtags of their respective area of content so it’s required that the user uses the right hashtags. At times users might be drawn toward a certain hashtag for example if a user likes pets then they might search for #petstagram or if they like living in nostalgia then they might search for #nostalgia. Users also need to check the volumes of the hashtags before using them. Provide original and distinctive content It’s important that brands put in the effort and make the content as original as possible as plagiarised content is seen as a bad sign and it shows that the brand isn’t taking any initiative in providing original data. Post useful infographics Infographics are in simple words the amalgamation of statistics, facts, and information with images with the main objective of making them easily understandable by the audience. Pay attention to feedback The feedback of customers can always be used to make the brand services better. Since the customers are the final users of the products or services their feedback should be treated as constructive criticism. Thank the brands followers Brands should take moments regularly to thank their stakeholders as they in turn would feel valued and would give repeated business to the brand.the word of mouth generated by a valued repeat customer also is priceless. To know more about creating engaging content, read our blog: https://bit.ly/3p2RPVA Tips to increase website traffic from Social Media Start with the basics and create content that will Increase your reach and engagement Focus on the social media platforms that drive the most web traffic Include referral links on the brands social media profiles Add links to your posts make sure that the links are genuine Review your post frequency strategy to maximise traffic Share links in social media groups this ensures wider reach Use content techniques that encourage click-throughs Increase traffic through social media shares For more tips check out: https://bit.ly/3REOAQ5  Social media could be referred to as the foundation stone of the digital presence of any company. Almost everything in the digital space starts with social media. Brands need to pay extra attention to their social media handles as it would give them a plethora of benefits. Special care needs to be given to optimisation of these platforms in order for them to be widely beneficial to the brand and in turn it assists the brand in ranking higher among competition and also getting a higher reach. You might also like…. 5 Reasons Why Small Businesses

Google my business

What is Google My Business?

What is Google My Business? Introduction Google my business is a tool from the google family that allows a business owner or any party affiliated with the business to list the business on google search results and on google maps with the permission of the owner of the business. Important details like the timings of the business, link to a website, and contact details of the business can be displayed. The listing is usually free of any cost and it is advisable for all businesses to list themselves on Google My Business, no matter if the said business is an online business. Businesses can also keep their customers and viewers interested in them by posting all events and interesting articles on GMB. How Important is it to get your Business listed on Google Roughly 80% of searches go through Google, which means that your business’ potential audience is probably looking at google for information on business’ like yours. Apart from generating traffic, there are great benefits of listing a business on Google My Business are summarised as follows: Get your business on Google’s Local 3-PackGoogle’s local 3 pack is nothing but the top 3 results in google search when people search for keywords or businesses like yours, businesses can now improve their chance of listing higher in google search by listing and optimizing GMB. Engage with and reach wider potential audiencesListing on Google My Business helps you engage with the target market of the business as well as reach wider portions of the potential market as the eyeballs post listing of the business increase vastly. This in turn can increase the quality of sales and also the revenue of the business. Establish your business’ authority Google My Business helps businesses to solidify their positions in the market and also increase brand recognition by continuously updating and optimizing the business profile on GMB. When a business posts regularly about the happenings and special events, most naturally the customers are going to be drawn towards what your business is offering over the competitors’ products. Increase the credibility of your businessAny business can create a distinctive amount of reputation building and thereby increase its credibility by merely being present on GMB as potential customer’s trust in a brand increases once they see a listing of the business. Increase the sales Brands notice that their sales and also their traffic count on the websites as well as the physical stores drastically increases, this is because the business has a wider avenue post listing it on GMB. Learn more about your businessBy listing your business on Google My Business you can learn more about it and what customers feel about your business with reviews posted by customers about your business and also get valuable insights from google about your business through their tools such as Google Analytics. By listing your business on Google My Business you can learn more about it and what customers feel about your business with reviews posted by customers about your business and also get valuable insights from google about your business through their tools such as Google Analytics. What are the Key Benefits of Google My Business? There are multiple benefits of listing a business on GMB the following are the 5 major ones: Make your business appear in Maps and local pack listingsYou might have noticed the map that appears when you search for a place in google or a list of the top results that appears once you press search. Listing on GMB provides your business the opportunity of being listed under these 2 categories. Increases the visibility of your businessWhen users use Google they usually see the local pack after they search for what they are looking for. Apart from the search results, google also includes Maps, contact, and more information that a user might need about the business. Therefore, brands must continuously optimize their GMB listings to amplify their visibility. Allows customers to interact with you through reviewsReviews usually have a trifecta of advantages which are firstly, they help in ranking the business higher on the search engine result page(SERP). It is noticed that around 10% weightage is given to customer reviews while ranking on google. Secondly, reviews help increase the sales of the business as it creates good word of mouth. Lastly, helps you engage with your customer base and see what they have to say about your business. Insights help you improve your businessInsights on google is an important tool, it enables you to access statistics and insights that can help understand where your audience is coming from. It also shows you the views, number of clicks on the website link, search queries, and also the amount of engagement received by the audience. Free and easy to useCreating and verifying your profile can be done absolutely free of cost on google. Verification of your profile is usually done within a few hours but it can also be done instantaneously by using some tools. Furthermore, there isn’t a fee for optimizing or updating information on GMB. All these factors make GMB a viable option to promote a business and grow it. Final Words The benefits of listing under GMB are vastly defined and also majorly essential for businesses in order to do well in the market. It’s worth spending a little time on listing it could turn out to be very fruitful for the business. The advantages that listing under GMB offers are all free of cost which means that without any investment the returns are drastically improved. Your business might be an online one or maybe just a small store, it will always need a platform to amp up the viewers. GMB offers exactly this platform and can help scale your business to new heights.  In the next part of the blog by Digit Cure – Digital Marketing Firm in Goa, we will learn how to add your business on GMB and Optimization Tips. References https://thriveagency.com/news/what-is-google-my-business-and-why-is-it-important/ https://www.searchberg.com/blog/what-is-googles-local-3-pack-and-how-can-you-use-it-to-rank/ https://www.innovationvisual.com/knowledge/why-is-google-my-business-important-for-your-business#:~:text=What%20is%20a%20Google%20My,a%20link%20to%20your%20website. https://eclincher.com/benefits-of-google-my-business You might also like…. 5 Reasons

how to add business on GMB

How to add a business on Google Maps

How to add a business on Google Maps Introduction In a world where almost every individual of different ages holds a mobile device in their hand, it is a no-brainer that you should be listing your business on local search. Research done by HubSpot has shown that 88% of searches for local businesses on a mobile device either result in a call or a visit to the business within 24 hours, and 72% of visitors that conducted a local search visited the store within five miles! These impressive figures highlight the importance of a local business developing a strong online presence. Aren’t these stats crazy? Wouldn’t you like to get your business listed online and increase your sales? You’re in the right place! In the first part of the blog we learned about what Google My Business is all about. In this blog, we will learn a few tips on setting up and optimising your Google My Business account. The first essential step towards SEO success is creating a Google My Business profile for your business or for the local companies that you are working with. In this part of the blog, we will explain the steps to create a profile on Google My Business and get your profile listed. Create a Google Account The first step you need to do is create a business Google account, or you can use your existing Google account. Google accounts are simple to create and are available to everyone. Sign in to your Google Business Profile Manager Once you create your Google Account or log in to your existing Google Account, select Business Profile. Enter your business name You can look for your business name by typing in the search bar. If the business name doesn’t appear, then you can add your business name by clicking on ‘Add your business to Google’. If your business is already listed, then you can claim it by simply clicking on “Request Access” and you will be guided through the process. Add the Business Name and Category In the next step, you will have to enter your business name. Make sure that your business stands out from the rest of your competitors and has some significance to the services you provide. Choose your business type Whether you’re just an online retailer or you have a local store or you own a service-based business, you’ll need to select the right business type that is the most suitable to your business. You can select multiple types that apply to your business as well. Add your website If you own an online store or if you have a website, insert your link on GMB. According to statistics racked up, 97% of people learn more about the company online than anywhere else. Enter a Business Category Adding a business category will help customers discover your business when they search for something they’re looking for. Add the category that is the most relevant to your business Enter your Business Address In this step, you will have to add your business address. Add a physical location where customers can visit your company. Make it a point to add the correct information.  Position the marker on the exact spot where your business is location Add a Phone Number to your profile Enter your company phone number and website URL so that customers can contact you. Let customers get in touch by including your phone number on your Business Profile. Get verified In order to fully manage and represent this business on Google, you’ll need to confirm that it’s yours. A verification code will be sent to the address of your business. Enter your five-digit code on the following screen (or go to https://business.google.com/) and select Verify or Verify business. After your business is verified, customize your profile by updating your business hours, business description, messaging preferences, photos, and more! You can update this information by clicking the “info” tab in the left column. How to optimize your Google My Business Profile If you want to improve the chances of your Google Business Profile listing ranking well on local search results, then optimizing your GMB Profile should be at the top of your priority SEO checklist  Your local ranking factors are determined by the following: Relevance: How well your Google My Business Profile listing matches a searchDistance: How far your location is from the search or searcher Prominence: How well-known your business is (based on factors like links, number of reviews, review score, and SEO) For more information, visit Hootsuite Below are ways to optimize your Google My Business Profile Analyze your Name, Address, and Phone Information The first thing you ought to do for your GMB Profile is to review and analyze your NAP information.  Review your business name. Is your business name listed correctly? Does it match the name listed on your physical location or online store? Is it consistent on all platforms? Check if the address information of your business is listed correctly on GMB. Make it a point to enter the correct building name or the street where your business is located. On GMB you also have the option to hide your business address. The next checkpoint is your phone number. A phone number is crucial since you will have a lot of potential customers calling your business to inquire about your services or products. Add a relevant Business Description and category Add a brief description of your business, your business values, the products and services you offer, and the areas you serve. It’s vital to add the cities you service and the services you provide since it signals google to rank your business for the terms mentioned in the description. Adding a category is an important step in optimizing your GMB Profile. Categories describe your business and connect you to customers who search for your products or service. You can add a secondary category as well. Note that Google has a predefined list of categories and you cannot add

Digital marketing Trends

Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2025

Top Digital Marketing Trends for 2025 Introduction As digital marketing keeps changing fast, companies must keep up with the newest trends and tech. Even guessing what will be popular in 2025 is tough, but Digit Cure, a top digital marketing agency in Goa, has spotted a few trends that will probably stick around or get more popular soon.     Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are already shaking things up in digital marketing, and they’re only going to get bigger. AI tools like chatbots and recommendation systems are getting smarter, helping businesses give customers more tailored and effective experiences. By using AI and ML, marketers can dig through tons of data to understand what customers want, tweak their campaigns, and get better at targeting them. Voice Search Optimization As more people start using voice-activated gadgets like Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Apple’s Siri, searching by voice is becoming a big deal in digital marketing. Making your content work well for voice searches means getting the hang of how people naturally talk and the kinds of questions they ask. Companies can show up higher in voice search results by using longer, more specific keywords and addressing the usual questions, making it easier for users to find what they’re looking for.   Influencer Marketing Influencer marketing is still a strong way to connect with and grab the attention of the right people. But, more and more, people are turning to smaller influencers who usually have a closer bond with their fans. Working with influencers who fit what a brand is all about and what it’s into can result in more real and successful partnerships. Companies need to concentrate on making lasting connections with these influencers and using their creativity to make eye-catching stuff. Personalization In today’s world where there’s too much information, making marketing experiences feel just for you is key to grabbing and keeping customers’ interest. By using data analysis and understanding what customers like, companies can create content, deals, and suggestions that fit what each person wants. Personalized marketing not only makes customers happier but also leads to more sales. Some great examples of personalized marketing are targeted email messages, suggestions for products, and changing website content based on what you like.   Privacy and Data Security As worries about keeping data private keep growing, companies need to make sure they’re good at protecting data and following rules like the GDPR and the CCPA. Keeping customers trusting by being open about how they use data and having strong security is super important. Marketers need to keep up with new privacy laws and make sure they’re doing things the right way while still making their marketing personal. Social Commerce Social media sites are getting better at adding online shopping options, letting companies sell stuff right on their pages. You’ve got Instagram Shopping, Facebook Marketplace, and Pinterest’s Buyable Pins, just to name a few. This makes shopping on social media a smooth ride, cutting down on the hassle of finding and buying things. Companies can make the most of this by making their products stand out, using posts that let you buy stuff, and chatting with customers using cool interactive stuff. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual reality (VR) Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are up-and-coming technologies that’s shaking things up in digital marketing. They can make experiences feel super real, like trying things virtually, playing with products in 3D, and going on virtual tours. These technologies let customers get more into the products and brands they’re interested in. As AR and VR technology gets better, companies can get creative with how they use them in their marketing plans. Conclusion Staying updated with digital marketing trends is crucial for businesses to remain competitive in today’s fast-paced landscape. The trends outlined above—AI and ML, voice search optimization, video marketing, influencer marketing, personalization, privacy and data security, social commerce, and AR/VR—are expected to shape the future of digital marketing in 2025 and beyond. By embracing these trends and adapting to new technologies, businesses can create more effective marketing strategies and connect with their audiences in meaningful ways.   Keeping up with the latest in digital marketing is super important for businesses to stay ahead in today’s quick-moving world. The trends we’re talking about—AI and ML, making your voice search work better, using videos more, working with influencers, tailoring your marketing to each person, keeping your customer’s info safe, selling on social media, and using AR/VR—are going to play a big role in digital marketing in 2025 and beyond. By jumping on these trends and getting the hang of new tech, businesses can come up with better marketing plans and connect with their customers. Get advice from the pros on how to use these trends and make your digital marketing work better by reaching out to Digit Cure. Our team of skilled folks can guide you through the constantly changing online world and help you reach your marketing targets. You might also like…. How to Choose the Best Local SEO Company You might also like…. 21Jan … 21Jan … 13Jan …

Ranking Higher

Ranking Higher: How Proper Website Design Enhances Your SEO

Ranking Higher: How Proper Website Design Enhances Your SEO Introduction Website design is a critical component of digital marketing success, and it plays a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO). A well-designed website not only helps to improve user experience but also helps to improve search engine rankings. In this blog post, we will discuss the best practices for website design and SEO, and the impact of user experience on SEO. When it comes to website design and SEO, the key elements that are important include navigation and organization, responsive design, loading speed, mobile-friendliness, accessibility, search engine friendly, SEO-friendly URL structure, and clear headings and descriptions. Navigation and organization should be clear and easy-to-use, making it easy for users and search engines to find the content they are looking for. Responsive design is important because it ensures that the website looks great on all devices. A website that loads quickly also improves user experience and helps with SEO. Mobile-friendliness is also important because more and more users are browsing the internet on their mobile devices. Accessibility is important for both users and search engines, and it ensures thateveryone can access your website. Search engine friendly and SEO-friendly URL structure ensures that search engines can easily understand the content of your website. Clear headings and descriptions help search engines understand the content of your website and improve your search engine rankings. A poorly designed website can negatively impact search engine rankings in several ways. Poor navigation can make it difficult for search engines to crawl and index the website’s content. Slow loading speed can cause search engines to lower the website’s ranking. Inadequate mobile-friendliness can also negatively impact search enginerankings, as more and more users are browsing the internet on mobile devices. A website that is not accessible can also negatively impact search engine rankings, as it makes it difficult for users and search engines to access the website’s content The Impact of User Experience on SEO User experience (UX) plays a crucial role in SEO. A website with poor UX can hurt your SEO efforts, and a website with good UX can improve them. Good UX is about providing a positive experience for users. Elements of website design that improve the user experience include clear, easy-to-use navigation, consistent design and branding, high-quality images and videos, content that is easy to read and understand, and good layout and typography.  Conclusion In conclusion, website design is a critical component of digital marketing success, and it plays a crucial role in search engine optimization. By implementing best practices for website design and SEO, you can improve your search engine rankings and provide a positive experience for users. Remember to focus on navigation and organization, responsive design, loading speed, mobile-friendliness, accessibility, search engine friendly, SEO-friendly URL structure, and clear headings and descriptions, and don’t forget to consider the user experience when designing your website. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your website is optimized for both users and search engines and that it leads to digital marketing success. You might also like…. 5 Reasons Why Small Businesses should take up Digital Marketing. You might also like…. 17Aug … 17Aug … 17Aug …

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