How These 10 Digital Marketing Strategies Can Save Your Business From Coronavirus Impact


Coronavirus pandemic is spreading like a wildfire all over the globe and so is the effect of digital marketing, online promotion, and search engine marketing.

With total lockdown in most of the countries, we all are largely dependent upon digital media consumption and as everyone is working from home, the chances of reaching out to mass audiences are high.

Anything generated on digital media during quarantine days will be consumed better by the audience as compared to earlier scenarios.

From email marketing’s open rates and CTRs to social media post views and sharing, everything is on a rise. So many companies, especially the OTT agencies, online course providers, news sites, gaming apps, etc had to increase their website capabilities of handling mass viewers.

Thus, when digital media is on fire, you too must look for ways to promote your brand and implement effective digital marketing and Search Engine Optimization techniques to thrive your business in coronavirus pandemic.

Here are the top 10 ways which could help you flourish your business in these tough times:

1. Go Digital

With huge travel bans all over the world, people are no longer relying upon billboards, mom and pop stores, print media, etc for marketing communication. Hence, every business should embrace digital transformation to survive via managing communication and building a relationship with their targeted audience.

2. Plan Outreach Program

During the difficult COVID-19 outbreak situation, the least a business can do is to help their customers with reassurance and build a social connection. This will not only build a strong connection but affirms that your organization isn’t just money laundering corporations, thus, increasing trust. A consistent social connection should be incorporated.

3. Invest in Video Content

With increased screen times, people are consuming content more than ever. As statistics suggest, video marketing is the new king in content marketing. People tend to consume video content better than images, audios, etc. You should focus on quality video marketing content to garner better views and stay connected with your audience in all the noise.

4. Webinars and Live Sessions

“91% of B2B Professionals Say Webinars Are Their Preferred Type of Content” as founded by Search Engine Journal. Hence, every business should incorporate social media channels into their current digital marketing strategies to increase your reach and drive better engagement.

Leveraging features of social media channels such as Instagram Live, YouTube Live, etc, is easy and helps build consistent quality content for your audience. One of the most important factors for a successful live session or webinar would be determining the right subject matter which should be relevant and interesting for the audience.

5. Paid Advertising is the Key

Pay per click (PPC) campaigns can help you increase conversions by capturing increased traffic. Advertising in uncertain times provides a competitive advantage as you can connect with larger audiences with lower bids on your ads. The only thing to be bear in mind is to keep analyzing the budget allocated to maintain the objective of exposure.

6. Don’t halt your SEO Campaigns

Effective Search Engine Optimization measures help increase organic traffic and rank in top Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs), thus, halting your SEO campaigns in the times of Coronavirus outbreak can be detrimental in the coming months as the situation bounces back to normal. Remember SEO is a longer-term strategy. It will be fruitful to regularly optimize your content, researching for high volume keywords and creating backlinks, etc.

7. Audit your website content

Websites are being flooded with irrelevant and uninteresting content every day. The idea is to generate quality content for your users with relevant backlinks to rank higher on SERPs i.e. Search Engine Result Pages. One of the most important search engine optimization tips is to audit your content regularly. This helps in determining which content is ranking higher, which keyword is having high search volume and which content should be updated moving forward.

8. Local SEO to the rescue

Today we are bound to maintain social distancing and rely upon local businesses for products and services since doorstep deliveries are taking longer than usual these days or even they are shut down in certain countries.

Thus, local businesses are a savior for people dependent upon them. To capture this market, it is crucial to make use of the Local SEO strategies that can help you get better results in “near me” searches since convenience is the key for most people in lockdown days.

9. Ask for Online Reviews

Online reviews can make and break the online reputation of businesses. Positive online reviews lead to better lead conversions as well as increased trust.  Therefore, businesses should ask for reviews from their customers to boost their local SEO measures and build a stellar online reputation.

Remember, as everyone is sitting at home and surfing the internet, the possibilities are high that they will write a quick review of your new or past services. Thus, accumulate the best possible UGC content and your Google will surely thrive your business.

10. Remove unnatural links

With a lot of time on your hand due to lockdown, one good way to optimize your website is to remove unnatural links. These can happen unintentionally as well. Heavy unnatural links can lead to Google Penalty. Thus, to surpass your competitors, optimize your website backlinks regularly.

The EndNote

Uncertain economies, social distancing, and loss of employment, etc are creating problems all around the world. This requires all of us to come together, focus on the future and fight the difficult times with recovery measures.

Stay Home. Stay Safe.

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