Why AI-Driven Content Is Driving Sales during the Pandemic


With the outbreak of global pandemic COVID-19, the way of doing business and making marketing plans has changed outrightly. The most forward-looking organizations have already figured out the way of driving sales during this pandemic i.e. through social selling, sales engagement, and most prominent among all – content marketing, !!

The most forward-looking organizations have already figured out the way of driving sales during this pandemic – Social Selling!!

This is a marketing strategy of building a strong and personal relationship with prospects by sharing content that is personalized and valuable for them. This is the place where Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning play a huge role. As per a study by Harvard Business Review companies using AI for sales were able to increase their leads by more than 50% and reduce cost by 40-60%.

Here is why AI-Driven content is driving sales even during this pandemic

#1. Customer Prioritisation

Usines and sales are suffering and during this time, AI-powered tools can help. There are various tools that can help businesses to identify the consumers that are most likely to purchase a product.

COVID-19 pandemic has made this insight a lot more valuable for the businesses as it will help them to identify the most potential leads and spend most of the time and funds on them. This can ensure no time and effort are wasted and there is a good lead conversion rate.

#2. Easily Create Content using AI

Creating manual content is a tedious process and requires a lot of time investment by the marketing team. This is the reason many companies are now switching to automated marketing content that is personalized on the basis of audience intelligence strategies.

This increase in demand for hyper-personalized content in limited time has highlighted the potential for AI for content creation.

This will speed up the content creation process during this pandemic and boost sales immediately.

#3. Analysis of Content Performance

Artificial Intelligence tools help marketers to analyze the performance of various marketing campaigns in the past. With these insights, brands can enhance their future marketing efforts.

AI has given new tools called content intelligence that is a system that transforms content data and business data into actionable insights for future marketing strategy and tactics.

This helps brands to create intelligent content that is personalized on the basis of audience preferences and thought processes.

#4. Artificial Intelligence helps in Content Profiling

The Internet is loaded with content and AI can help you to streamline your content by creating a content profile. This helps you to gather all your existing posts and web pages in a single place and understand its performance and impact on consumers.

There are several tools that help to conduct a content audit that can give you information on what content pieces require improvement.

This can help you to boost online engagement particularly at a time when the majority of users are looking for online solutions to all their needs.

#5. Create Relevant Topics Using Artificial Intelligence

During this pandemic, there are various trending topics and audience sentiments that need attention. You need to modify your marketing strategy according to these relevant topics. AI will help you to run a predictive analysis to analyze audience sentiments.

Creating content around these topics will ensure better performance. There are several AI tools that can help you to reframe your content creation strategy –

HubSpot’s Content Strategy Tool will help you to identify trending topics and hashtags that will help you to drive organic traffic to your website. You can also use this tool for analyzing the increase in traffic for your website over time.

#6. Improve Content Accuracy

Creating content is important but more important is to create accurate content for your consumers as this will only enhance audience engagement. This is an important parameter that distinguishes your content from others. COVID-19 crisis has resulted in an increase in online communication. You can further enhance this by ensuring a good user experience.

There are various tools available that aid you to check spellings, grammar, emotion, keyword density, and many other aspects to ensure that the content is suitable for prospects. This results in good engagement and user experience.

Good content will also get good rankings and appear on top of organic search results. This ensures maximum return out of the content created.

#7. AI to Create Personalized Content

Covid-19 pandemic has led to a substantial rise in unstructured content over the internet. Consumers are looking for content that is more relevant to their needs and wants. AI will help you to optimize the content as per audience needs.

This has led to an increase in personalized content. But for effective customization, marketers need massive amounts of data that can be analyzed to understand the preferences of prospects.

Businesses are now using Machine Intelligence-based tools that help them to track consumer behavior and preferences. These tools are designed on algorithms that gather relevant information from customers across various touchpoints that help marketers to build consumer profiles.

This data can be utilized to create user-specific content so as to give a tailored and unique experience to users.

Final Word

As consumers are sitting home, demand has shifted from personal interactions to digital interactions. So instead of visiting a restaurant, they are more likely to order online. This pattern is replicated around all the sectors. This shift is creating a lot of unstructured data online. To streamline this data you need Artificial Intelligence tools to cut through the noise and find out what customers really need.

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