Why is it important to have Mobile Friendly Website?
Whether you are an online business just starting up, launching yourself in the online world, or an already established business backed with experience. The ultimate goal of having a website is to enable you, your brand, and your business to flourish. Having a website benefits you to attain maximum exposure. After all, 99% of business decisions begin with a search engine search, which statistically implies that if you do not have a website, you are only selling to 7% of your market.
Now that you have your website, another major requirement would be to make it a ‘user-friendly’ website. But what does it mean to have a user-friendly website and how exactly do you make your site respective?
A User-friendly interface is exactly what those words narrate, you can use a website with ease and no trouble. As a website owner, you do not want your audience facing any difficulty while viewing your site. It has to be easy to navigate, simple to comprehend and make the viewer satisfied with their experience. Being user-friendly also means that you have a website design that is simple and responsive.
Using a responsive design eliminates the unnecessary resizing, scrolling, zooming, or panning that occurs when sites have not been optimised for different devices. It is often very difficult to navigate these sites, and it may even cost you potential customers who can become frustrated with trying to figure out how to do something on your site.
Responsive website design replaces the need to design a dedicated mobile website for smartphone users. Thus also saving you time and money effectively. Now, instead of designing multiple websites for different screen sizes, you can design just one website that scales up or down automatically to match the device it is being viewed on. That is, mobile-responsive, Laptop responsive, tab responsive etc.
In 2012, the number of smartphones and mobile users rose up to 90.6 million, a decade later, in 2022, the number further scaled up to 931.3 million, and in the coming 10 years, the number is said to further go up with the numbers reaching to 1.3 billion.
This further favors having a responsive or Mobile Responsive design.
Additionally, in early 2015, Google announced that mobile-friendliness would become a ranking factor in its search engine algorithms. This meant that websites that are not mobile-optimized websites would potentially lose some ground in search engine results because they wouldn’t be delivering a good experience to mobile searchers and viewers.
With Mobile web traffic having overtaken desktop, accounting for more than 51%. Therefore not optimizing your website would only result in being a liability. You can also help your online business rank better organically with this simple step.
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